Tuesday, November 13, 2012

My opinion on the 2 biggest FPS launches of the year

    The two biggest first person shooters are now available. Thy are most definitley the biggest launch yet for this year, and they of course are Halo 4 and Black OPs 2. After playing each game for myself I have provided my personal opinion on each game. I wouldn't call myself a critic, but I wouldn't call myself a rookie gamer either.
      Halo 4 has now been live for the last week. The campaign is spectacular, 343 really stepped it up to make the final xbox 360 halo game a success. The sound effects are incredible and the graphics are breathe taking. The CGI cut scenes are unlike any of he other halo games. The story line is well written and the technology they used to make the characters feel more real is too good. 343 industries really upped Legendary mode. They really made you work to beat the game on the hardest difficulty. I like the challenge they offered and it was worth the extra game play to recieve exclusive in game content and of course the Legendary ending. I would give the Halo 4 campaign a 10/out of 10 rating.
   Halo 4s matchmaking is far better than Bungies Halo Reach, but is it better than Halo 2 or 3? In my personal opinion it has  potential to be better but it is lacking a simple fundamental neccessisity. This is simply the Halo 4 maps. Their is only 10 maps out right now and half of them are big team battle maps. There is not enough maps to play to keep enjoying the game. After one week I am honestly quite bored of playing the same four maps that team slayer has to offer. Not only is it lacking maps but over half the maps suck. I really enjoy only one map out of the ten for team slayer and that would be Haven. Another favorite I have is Valhalla now known as Ragnorok, which is a remak from Halo 3. That is the problem right there having 2 favorite maps. When Halo 2 and 3 launched I had at least 5 favorite maps. Map diversity in my opinion makes the game. Halo 4 is lacking this and 343 needs to do something quick. I would give Halo 4 matchmaking  a review of 7 out of 10. I think I could change my mind and give it a 9 out of 10 if a new map pack came out soon with quality maps.

        Black OPs 2 came out today and like the year after year event the game to me is the same. Activison labels their game something new, puts in new maps, and yet still uses the same game engine. In my opinon the Call of Duty franchise keeps getting worse and worse every year. Instead of improving on things that need improvement they simply scratch any creative ideas they had the year before and add in more garbage. The new killstreaks are all the same but modified, but now they are called scorestreaks. Instead of having a nahpalm strike they now call it a lighting strike. The really only new killstreak reward is a little gadget helicopter that acts as aremote control mini helicopter that flys around and shoots enemies. That may be the new coollest ad on they did in the whole game. The new perks and create a class system in my opinion is really bad. My advice is if its not broke dont fix it. With all the negativity i have said, none the less like all the Call of Duties it is a fun and addicting game. I can say they have made the graphics a little bit more crisp and clear, which is nice. I would rate the new call of duty a 6.7 out of 10, because it is the same thing over and over again. Activision needs to be more innovative and try something new that works and meshes well.
    As far as Zombies mode for Black Ops 2 I could say they did a fair job. The graphic design on the zombies is way more detailed and it shows when playing. As far as maps it seems there is only one good map so far, and that would be transit. The farm and town are just too small. After playing solo on those two maps and not getting to far I couldnt imagine playing 4 player and getting bunched up even worse as there would be no where to go. This would be coming from  true veteran of zombie modes as I have made it past round 60+ on three different maps in the Original Black OPs. It is far to early to tell to rate zombies mode as a whole because i have simply not played enough. There are many exploits yet to learn and many routes yet to be learned since the game just launched today. As far as gameplay and graphics go I could  easily give Zombie mode a 8 out of 10

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