Monday, November 5, 2012

Halo 4 Talk: Jumping into Multiplayer

         The day has finally arrived, Halo 4 will be hitting shelves in less than four hours. With 343 Industries in Command will they break the record sales of Halo 3? Halo 3 made more revenue on launch night then the movie Spider man 1, 2 and 3 all combined did in a box office weekend. Although Bungie was doing great for a long time with the Halo franchise, Halo Reach competely bombed. Bungie was taking Halo into a bad direction. Reach was a disaster and lost most of their fan base to Call Of Duty within a couple months. Microsoft hired in 343 Industries to take the franchise and make Halo what Halo was meant to be.
      Microsoft and 343 Industries main goal was to make Halo 4 as great as Halo 2, and 3. They want to make the game so good to take back what is theirs. The title of the best FPS game of the year. Microsoft gave 343 Industies unlimited spending to make Halo 4 the ultimate Halo game. In doing so Halo 4 reviews are towering in 9.5 to 9.8 out of 10. IGN's review gave Halo 4 a 9.8 out of 10. Halo 4 is nothing but spectacular. Using state of the art graphics, Halo 4 has as good or better graphics than any console game available.
     Jumping into multiplayer, Halo 4 has all new custom loadouts and armor abilities. You will be able to choose your primary weapon consisting of the Battle Rifle, Assaust Rifle, DMR, Carbine, Storm Rifle, Supressor, and Light Rifle. For your secondary weapon you are allowed o choose either a magnum, plasma pistol, or bolt shot. The grenades you can choose are the typical frag grenade, plasma grenade, or the new pulse grenade.
      The newest armor abilities are the Thruster Pack, Promethean Vision, Hard Light Shield, Auto-Sentry, and the Regeneration Field. Returning from Halo Reach is the Hologram, Jet Pack, and Active Camouflage. Th thruster pack allows increased movement speed to evade the enemy or to quickly catch the running foe. This new armor ability is my favorite. My playstyle is a run and gun type player, so this will suite me very nice. Promeathean Vision sends a ping out to let you see enemies through walls. It looks similar to an infrared vision. The shield provides a protective barrier to make penetrating bullets do less or no damage and protective against small explosives. Auto-Sentry is of course an auto turret that can be deployed anywhere on the playable map. Regeneration Field allows you to drop an orb that heals you and teammates at a short range distance.
        Halo 4 also has all new tactical packages and support upgrades. You also get killstreak rewards which can give you an ordinance drop to place of your choosing. The ordinance drop is an arsenal of powerful weapons  and can be unlocked by getting a certain amount of points without dying. As far as the tactical packages and support upgrades you will have to go purchase a copy of Halo 4 and find out what these added goodies are.

Master Chief ( Jon Spartan (117) arises once again!

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