Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Diablo 3 needs content

                          In Blizzards Diablo 3, the number of players playing has taken another dive. Out of personal experience out of the 100 people on my list there used to be an average of 30 people on at all times. After logging in yesterday and playing for a short while I noticed an average of about 7 people playing out of the 100 on my list. All my good friends have stopped playing the game, and I have also not been playing at all much lately either. We haven't been playing because the game has been simply too boring to play. After completing and running the new added content over 30 times the game has become so repetitive that it has drove me away from the game. I used to be able to sit and play for a couple hours. Now I can't even stand to play for ten minutes or play at all.It appears the game has become a ghost town of only a handful of players out of the population that are still playing.
                The auction house economy has completely crashed. All items that used to have worth are considered crap now. Things are not selling and it seems their is either 300,000 gold items or 100 million gold items. There is no middle market. There is basically high Tier Items at very high prices  and everything else that is good or decent is considered at the bottom of the market.
                The game needs added content and something to do. Although D3 is a farming game in the end game, it still needs something else.I think they should add another act and make it long and extensive.It may be to soon to be adding an expansion but the game needs something like one and quick. The next patch is not expected to launch for at least another month.Blizzard has not released any information on the patch yet. We of course all wonder what is to come next. Many of us have been waiting on the new Player vs Player experience. Will PvP be on the next patch?

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