Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Assassin's Creed 3


              Assassins Creed 3 launched yesterday on October 30, 2012. Created by Ubisoft,this is the 5th installment of the franchise. Each Assassin's Creed in my opinion keeps getting better and better. The game has an intense mind boggling storyline that puts you on your heels and keeps you guessing on what is to happen next. In Assassins Creed 3 the main story line finally comes to a conclusion.

            Assassin's Creed 3 takes place during the American Revolution and is set in the years between   1753 and 1783. The character you play is a man named Ratonhnhake, that is nicknamed Connor. Connor is half-Native American and half-English. He is another one of Desmond Miles descendents.The story line covers 30 years of Connors life. Connor is drawn into battle when a group of Red Coats attacks his home. Connor and his Dad get back into the Assassin- Templar war that is involved with the American Revolution.

   The new playable cities in A3 are New York and Boston, and Philadelphia. You are also allowed to explore the Colonial Frontier, Lexington, Concord, and Charlestown. Some new game play includes hunting and dual wielding weapons which was not a part in any of the other franchises. As this is set in Colonial America some Colonial historic characters in the game include our 1st President, George Washington. Other key characters in the game are Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Paul Revere, and Samuel Adams.

Here is a look at the E3 official trailer of Assassin's Creed 3

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Black OPs 2

           Call of Duty Black OPs 2 is releasing on November 13, 2012. This is Activision's Treyarch version of the Call of Duty series. They are back and bigger than ever with all new loadouts for multiplayer. Treyarch also has modified the zombie version of the game to a massaive scale.

           Treyarch really put thought and focused on the new zombie mode for Black OPs 2. As a big portion of the Call of Duty franchise community buys Treyarch's version of call of duty just for the zombie aspect. They have added a bunch of new cool stuff to satisfy

the needs of the consumer. One of the more popular topics  is collecting pieces to make a Zombie Shield. This shield is similar to a riot shield that gives you ultimate protection against the endless hoardes of the undead. As there is also a bunch of sweet new weapons to toggle around with,they have also implemented a new system in zombie mode which is the players vs zombies vs players. This mode enables 4 players to take on another 4 players with zombies in the middle. The objective will be to hold as much territory as you can while shooting at the opposing team and the CPU zombies. They have also added larger play scale maps along with tons more undead. The maximum zombie per area has almost tripled when comparing to Black OPs 1. This will allow much more flesh eaters to shoot and dodge.

         For multiplayer when you pre-order your copy of Black OPs 2 you are elgible for an exclusive 2025 Nuketown bonus map, and you will be elgible for Double EXP launch weekend. Double experience launch weekend is being held for the pre-order customers on the 16th-18th of Novemeber. Multiplayer has an all new experience with perks and loadouts. Your Create A Class can now be very diversified.They are adding in a new wild card system that give you points to choose how you want to build your class. This is too hard to explain in my own words so I grabbed the info from should give you an idea of how this new system is going to work.

"Black Ops 2 II - Perks List

Flack Jacket From Call of Duty: Black Ops Black Ops 2 multiplayer perks give you a variety of different enhancements, thus enabling you to customize your classes even further. Unlike in previous Call of Duty games, you can choose a total of 6 perks, but this limits the amount of customization you can do for your class. You can also opt-out and choose no perks from the Black Ops 2 perks list, and instead focus more on equipment and weapon attachments.
By default you can choose 3 perks for your class, one from each slot - with Wildcards you can choose one extra perk per slot for a total of 6 perks. Doing so, however, uses all your Wildcards and also takes 3 + 3 + 3 allocation points, which leaves you with only one weapon without attachments and no equipment.
Perks in BO2 don't affect your weapons stats; instead you'll have to use attachments to achieve, for example, better accuracy or deeper bullet penetration.
There are no Pro Perks in Black Ops II multiplayer."
(The information is quotes is brought to you by

The new perks list are as follows:
 Perk Slot one:
Light weight:  Your movement speed is faster than normal. No Fall Damage.
Flak Jacket: You take less explosive damage
Blind eye: Undected by Air support
Hardline: Gives extra bonus points for score streak rewards.
Ghost: If you are moving then you will not be targeted by enemy radar, but if you camp and stand still you wil lbe visable on radar.
Perk Slot 2:
Hardwired: immune to enemy Counter UAV's and EMPs
Scavenger: replenish ammo and grenades from fallen foes
Cold Blooded: Makes you invisible to enemy targeting systems, which include equipment such as the Dual Band, Target Finder, Sensor Grenade, and MMS.
Fast Hands: You can switch weapons faster and throw grenades and equipment faster
Toughness: grants you les flinch when being shot at
Perk Slot 3:
Dexterity: Allows you climb obstacles faster and aims faster after sprinting
Engineer: Same as Sit Rep from previous Call of Duty
Dead Silence: reduces the noise your footsteps make
Extreme conditioning: Allows you to sprint for twice as long as the usual rate
Tactical Mask: immune to Flash and Concussion grenades, including Shock Charges.
Awareness: Makes enemies 4X as loud as the usual rate. Enemy foot steps are much easier heard

                                     Type 25,One of many new redesigned and named weapons

Type 25

Monday, October 22, 2012

Halo 4 news


             Halo 4 is launching in a little over two weeks from now. Halo 4 is set to launch on November 6, 2012.  It was finalized and announced on Septemeber 26th by the development team. This has been a long awaited game release.
             Halo 4 takes place four years after Halo 3. The last thing we saw in Halo 3 was Spartan 117 drifting into the abyss on half broken Forward Unto Dawn Frigate ship.There was a distant planet in sight. The planet is in fact where Halo 4 is taking place. The Dawn crashes into the planet of Requiem, which is a artificially made Forerunner Planet. New enemies and challenges await John-117. The new enemies in Halo 4 are The Forerunners. They were always a legend in the Halo franchise and they are coming into battle known as the Prometheans. They are a highly technological advanced race that was thought to be extinct. the Prometheans are made up of the Knights, Watchers , and Crawlers.
            Halo 4 is also bringing in a whole new set of new weapons. the weapons are known as the Forerunner Weapons.(Promethean  weapons). As far as the UNSC weapons they are bringing back the Battle Rifle, but it has been completely redesigned. The rest of UNSC weapons that will be in Halo 4 are the assault rifle, DMR, Sniper Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Magnum, Shotgun, Rail Gun, Saw,Spartan Laser, and the Sticky Detanator. As most of these weapons are the same, the rail gun and saw are something new. The Covenant Weapons are the Carbine, Plasma Pistol, Needler, Energy Sword, Storm Rifle, Beam Rifle, and the Concussion Rifle. Out of the Covenant weapons the only new mysterious weapon I have noticed is the Storm Rifle. It has not been confirmed to be a Covenant weapon, but by the look of the weapon it seems promising. 
          The Newest weapons in the franchise are these new Promethean weapons which are Binary Rifle, Boltshot, Incineration Cannon, Light Rifle, Pulse Grenade,  Scatter shot, and Suppressor. Since these are the newest weapons I can provide details on a few of them. The Binary Rifle is a super powered Sniper Rifle. The Boltshot is a pistol like weapon that can also be charged up to have a close range shotgun effect.The longer you charge the weapon the bigger the bam the gun will provide. The incineration cannon is pretty sweet, the name of it should give it away.It simply one shots the enemy by incinerating them. Where ever the enemy is hit their body will disengrate around that focal point. The Light Rifle has two modes. It can be used as a rifle with fast bursts of ammo, and can be changed to a sniper like weapon were it will shoot out a single bullet to dish out more damage. The scatter shot is equivalent to a shotgun but has a really cool reload system as well  as some of teh other guns. When you reload the weapon it magically  forms peice by peice.( to find out more information on the Promethean weapons watch this video)

            With the launch coming up Halo 4 will have a limited edition copy where you will recieve the map pack bonus as well as a pass to watch all 9 episodes of the Forward Unto Dawn Halo mini series. The game will come packaged as a two disc set. Disc 1 will contain the campaign, and disc 2 will feature the epic halo franchise multiplayer.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Diablo 3 1.05 Patch

                   Diablo 3 patch launched yesterday on October 16th, and is hitting Europe and Asia today. I got a chance to sit down yesterday and play, and I thought it was amazing. I crafted my first hell fire ring. I got a pretty terrible roll, but plan on trying for another today.
              To summarize the patch notes for version 1.0.5. Blizzard basically fixed some changes with each character class. They also added in a few tweaks.There is an added monster power level system in which allows you to choose the difficulty. each difficulty power level will enhance the monsters health and % damage they inflict to you. You also gain rewards for the higher the Power Level, the higher the magic find, gold find, and bonus experience you will receive. In general they added in two new shrines and added back in an experience shrine. The other two shrines are and empowered shrine which enable faster cool downs and implements faster resource generation for each character class. The other shrine is a fleeting shrine which increases movements speed and pickup radius for health globes and gold. They also added that for Resplendent chests you are granted a stack of valor and get a drop rate similar to a drop from an elite pack or gold troll.
           As far as the auction house goes, blizzard made it so which ever affix you search is now in alphabetical order and they allow you to search the average damage range on off-hands.  There is a whole bunch of other fixes they added and to learn more you of course can follow this link.
 This will take you to and give you the official patch notes.
          Lets get into the newest installment of the Infernal Machine,that went live with patch 1.0.5. The Infernal Machine has been being talked about well over and month now and I can give you the breakdown how to obtain the machine. First off, there is some assembly required. The first step is to find the four wardens. The Wardens are located in Act 1,2,3,4, and are each in a specific area of the map.
         The first Key Warden is in Act 1 in the Fields of Misery. The boss's name is Odeg. The best thing to do is to get five stacks of Nephalem Valor and then go fight him. He drops the key of destruction. The 2nd Warden's name is Sokhar. Sokhar is located in the Duglar Oasis of Act 2. The third and final Key Warden is located in Act 3. The Warden is named Xah'Rith, and is located in the Stone Fort. Once all three keys are obtained you will need to hike it on over into Act 4. In Act 4 in Silver Spire 1 you will find the final Warden who drops the black smithing plans to create the Infernal Machine. The Warden looks kind of like Shadow Diablo. His name is Nekarat.
        Once all three keys and the plan is found you are ready to do the Uber Bosses. You can take the plan to the black smith, there you will teach it to him. In order to create the Infernal Machine you will forge the machine at the Blacksmith. This is similar to making a weapon, only difference is that the three keys are the components. In saying this I mean that the three keys are required to make the device. One you have crafted the Infernal Machine you go into Act 1 and head into the Abode to use it The Abode is two doors down from Cain's house in Act 1. You simply right click the Infernal Machine that you crafted and a portal will open to One of Three of the Uber Bosses.

       After defeating each boss they have  a chance to drop an organ. These organs will allow you to forge the Hellfire Ring. Each set of bosses will drop a different organ piece. For the three organs there is an eye, rib, and horn. The Hell Fire ring has an automatic 170-190 on the main attribute you choose. It is guaranteed
35% bonus experience, similar to Leoric's Signet. The ring then rolls four random properties and also has a chance to cast a ball of flame.
      Hats off to blizzard on another successful patch. The next best thing to look forward to is the player vs. player matches. Good luck to all of you playing Diablo this week. I hope my blog provided you with good details on what the new patch is about.

                               Here is a picture of my ring I rolled

Here is a video of Anuirian fighting Ghom and Rakanoth